Showing posts with label Crochet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crochet. Show all posts
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I have decided to try something new. And no, I don't mean knitting.

Over the last few weeks, I have been working on a doll of my own design. I have tried out many doll patterns by different designers and I learn something through every one of them. I learn what I like and didn't like about each one. Once I got more comfortable, I started combining all the elements that I like into the doll that I am designing!

PS: Please ignore the messy background of the photos. These are extremely raw/unedited photos that I have taken as I was making this doll.

Skin Tone Color Yarn for Amigurumi Dolls
Recently I've been exploring some new stitches for projects and stuff. Then I came across the herringbone double crochet stitch. It's not just called the "Herringbone stitch" because there are actually two different types: herringbone double crochet, and herringbone half double crochet.

Today, I'm going to show you how to do the Herringbone Double Crochet (HBDC).

How to Crochet the Herringbone Double Crochet Stitch (HBDC)
Happy New Year!!!

Making New Year's resolutions are many people's tradition. Most people have resolutions like exercising more, eating more healthily, saving more money, getting more sleep, etc. That's why the gym is typically packed in January. While I'm always working on those things, I'm going to start a new tradition -- I'm going to make Crochet Resolutions!

Crochet Resolutions 2019
Well, here we go again! It's the beginning of another school year!

By the way, Aren't these cute?! These crocheted plush pencils were made with Bernat Blanket Yarn using the free crochet pattern designed by Sarah of Repeat Crafter Me! The pencils were quick and easy to work up and they are absolutely adorable!

Crochet Plush Giant Teacher's Pencil DIY Gift

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