Showing posts with label Crafting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crafting. Show all posts
Christmas is almost here, which is followed by the new year a week later. Every year, I want to make it a goal of mine to start using a planner. I've bought many notebooks and planners in the past, but I always go back to using my smartphone for keeping track of my daily appointments and activities.
Lately, I've been addicted to looking at planners on Instagram. I'm admiring how people spend time decorating their planners. It must be so happy to write in such colorful planners. Unfortunately, I feel too frugal to spend all that money on stickers and washi tape on a planner that I may throw away once the year is over.
More recently, I found this journaling/planner system called Traveler's Notebook. The system is simply a journal cover with an elastic cord inside to hold notebooks and an elastic cord outside to keep it closed.
Midori is a stationery company that has made the Traveler's Notebook system famous. There are now many companies that make them. The ones that I love the most are fauxdoris made by many crafters on Etsy. They're often made using fabric and can have many designs.
However, one thing that really annoyed me about these Traveler's Notebooks was their size. In Canada, we can readily obtain the letter-size paper, which is 8.5" x 11".
When folded in half to make notebooks, it would be 8.5" x 5.5". Standard Traveler's Notebook inserts often are 8.25" x 4.3", which means that I would need to take out my paper trimmer each time I want to make inserts. That's too much work for me.
Therefore, I decided to create my own fauxdori so that I can use standard half-letter-sized notebooks. And because I made it, I'm going to name it Julidori. Feel free to name yours after yourself (yourname-dori)!

One thing I love about having girls is that I get to dress them up! Only up until a certain age, I guess. Then they start having personalities and decide they want to pick their own outfits.
But before that point, their outfits can be so versatile! I can dress them up in dinosaur prints, Pokemon costumes, or frilly princess dresses and they don't care.
Well, maybe they do care, but they can't do anything about it!

BB started daycare during the summer shortly after Mui Mui was born. It was a difficult decision to put her into daycare because I had a year of maternity leave ahead of me, which meant I didn't have to go to work.
However, there was no way I could take care of both of them on my own five days a week.
For the longest time, I was reluctant to put BB into daycare because she wasn't able to talk. At 20 months, we had an assessment with a speech-language pathologist (SLP) and found that she had a speech delay and required speech therapy.
By the time she started daycare at 26 months, she only had a handful of words and often needed prompting to say them.
I was always scared that if I put BB into daycare at the time, she wouldn't be able to tell anyone if she got hurt. Or perhaps even neglected because she wasn't able to communicate effectively.
However, I have heard from many parents about how their child/children learn so much from other kids at daycare. It gave me a lot of hope that BB will learn to socialize and eventually learn how to talk one day.
During our daycare orientation, the teachers asked us to create a "ME Book" for BB. This book can contain photos, cards, stickers, letters/notes, etc.
Anything that she may find comforting when she is having a difficult time saying goodbye or when she misses us anytime throughout the day.
We haven't printed out photos in a long time. In fact, I still have this empty picture frame I got from our honeymoon that I have yet to fill. After I had picked up the photos that night, I tried to sit down with BB so that we could enjoy them together.
Nonetheless, she was more interested in playing with my washi tape and trying to "feed" them to her bunnies.
I didn't spend a lot of time putting the ME Book together, but I was really proud of how it turned out.
It's very similar to smash booking which is merely a form of memory keeping. In comparison to scrapbooking, smash booking is random and often doesn't require much planning and organizing.
For the ME Book, I basically taped down all the photos using washi tape and added some stickers from BB's collection as embellishments.

BB looks like a little model from a catalog in this picture. I love it!
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